A Case of Giant Folliculitis Fibrosis Nuchae Complicated by a Botriomycoma Successfully Treated by Surgery in Benin

Author Details

Fabrice Akpadjan, Christiane Koudoukpo, Hugues Adegbidi, Berenice Degboe, Nadege Agbessi, Felix Atadokpede.

Journal Details


Published: 16 December 2019 | Article Type :


Introduction: Folliculitis fibrosis nuchae (FFN), or acne keloidalis nuchae, is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pilosebaceous follicles in the occipital region and the neck. It occurs mainly in men of African descent, with highly pigmented skin and frizzy hair, after puberty. Botryomycoma, or pyogenic granuloma, is a benign vascular tumour of the superficial dermis. It can be found on the entire skin or mucous membrane. The occurrence of botriomycoma on a giant FFN is rarely described in the literature. We are reporting a case in Benin.

Observation: This was a 48-year-old man, seen in consultation for an asymptomatic fibrous tumour blocking his neck that had been developing for several years and which was secondarily complicated by another burgeoning tumour lesion. All the lesions were an aesthetic problem for him. The diagnosis of botriomycoma complicating FFN has been made. A complete surgical excision with an electric scalpel was performed, followed by controlled healing. The evolution after three years of follow-up was favourable, marked by an almost invisible scar and an absence of recurrence of lesion.

Conclusion: The interest of this clinical case lies on the one hand in the rarity of the association of the giant FFN and the botriomycoma; and on the other hand in the therapeutic success.

Keywords: Folliculitis fibrosis nuchae; Giant; Botryomycoma; Surgery.

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Fabrice Akpadjan, Christiane Koudoukpo, Hugues Adegbidi, Berenice Degboe, Nadege Agbessi, Felix Atadokpede.. (2019-12-16). "A Case of Giant Folliculitis Fibrosis Nuchae Complicated by a Botriomycoma Successfully Treated by Surgery in Benin." *Volume 2*, 2, 16-18